
Face Fit Testing

What is Qualitative Face Fit Testing?

We offer Qualitative Face Fit Testing in Cornwall as it is a legal requirement, and is covered by HSE legislation, Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) used must be able to provide adequate protection for individual wearers. RPE cannot protect the wearer if it leaks.

Who needs Face Fit Testing?

Everyone required to wear any type of Respiratory Protective Equipment in the workplace must be face fit tested to ensure correct fitting and protection against substances potentially hazardous to health.

Masks rely on a good seal against the face so that, when you breathe air in, it is drawn into the filters where the air is cleaned. If the mask does not fit correctly, this process is compromised. It is therefore particularly important that you put your mask on correctly and check for a good fit every time.

You must be clean-shaven when wearing tight-fitting masks, this will help prevent leakage of contaminated air around the edges of the mask and into your lungs. You will, therefore, be breathing in clean air, which will help you stay healthy.

Please view the link below for a video from the HSE around Face fit Testing and why its so important 

How does the test work ?

The test is conducted in two stages:

Sensitivity test
Confirms that the wearer can detect the test agent (either smell or taste). The test agent is sprayed into a test hood.

Face Fit Test
The wearer dons their face mask and the test hood. The tester sprays the test agent into the hood at intervals whilst the wearer is conducting a series of exercises.

  • Normal breathing.
  • Deep breathing
  • Turning head side to side
  • Moving head up and down
  • Talking
  • Bending over

If the wearer can taste or smell the test agent at any time this indicates a failure – the mask does not fit.

What do I have to do?

You must be clean-shaven for your face fit test. Facial hair prevents your tight-fitting mask from sealing correctly around your face, thereby failing to provide adequate protection. We CANNOT test if you have facial hair. 

Face Fit Testing Guidance document is INDG479 (rev1)

The HSE guidance document for RPE  can be found at

If you have facial hair then a positive-pressure air-fed mask would suit. 

You must bring your own adjustable mask with you. We will advise you whether the mask is suitable and whether it fits correctly.

What’s included in the price?

The price includes the test, and certification to show the test has been completed.

Fewer than 20 delegates: £25 + VAT per delegate

For 20 + Delegates: £22.50 + VAT per delegate

There is a minimum charge of £100 + VAT per session where you have fewer than 4 delegates.

If you require masks, we can supply at an additional cost. We would need to know how many you will need for staff to get the best price for you.

We can offer a range of services and training which can be found here

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